My new thing
One of the threads for this year is doing more of what I love, whether it is spending time with family, teaching or storytelling. I love writing poetry and want to post pieces every week. Below are the pieces from my poetry corner.
Slumber Part One
I am pressed
Darkness sets up
Deep sleep is on the horizon
I enter a complete chill
That feels like a hot fire
Slowly burning
I come to a fork in the road
Do I go deep
Do I teeter on the edge
It happens again
I am pressed
I feel a wringing of my body
Evil has grabbed me
I shake
I am in a cocoon I can not break
I call out the name
And I am free.
Bathroom Break
I sit in my office
Watching the time tick
On my computer
A minute goes by
Two minutes go by
I feel out of wack
I am two minutes late
From quitting
From saying no
I do nothing
Another minute goes by
I need to break something
Or I will
Instead I go to the bathroom
Entering the white walls
The sterile lines
This space exposes what I am not
Clean, whole, pure, consistent
I feel dirty
And living a lie
I sit on the toilet
I wonder if I can stay there
I wonder if I flush
Will I go in the drain
I feel I am the drain
How do I get out of here
I start to tap
5, 4, 3 , 2, 2.5, 2.25, 1
And I stop.
I do it again 5, 4.5, 4, 3.5, 3, 2.5, 2, 1
I feel myself get up and move
I look at the clock
In seeing my reflection
I see helpfulness
And I cry out how do I help you
I realize
I am the problem
And I am the solution
I cry out God
And peace comes over me.
I take another bathroom break
I cry and cry and cry.
That release saves me.
Spring come
Bring the sun in right now
Shine your love.