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Biden, Harris Make History - Amelia Aubourg

As I write this, helicopters are flying in the air. Today has been a strange day. This morning, I had a mock training that helped to prepare trainers to discuss The Conversation Project, a discussion about end of life care.

During the tail end of the class, my sisters came in and said that Biden was elected as the next President of the United States. Everyone's phone went off. I had to remind them I was on a call. Once I got off the phone, my prayer partner called to do a quick prayer as part of the Partnered Prayer Challenge the church was doing. This was the first time in two and a half weeks we had done it. It was another thing that caught me off guard. Once I got off the phone and off my computer screen, I went into my younger sister's room to watch CNN.

They had people in DC, Philly and Atlanta taking to the streets in jubilation about the fact that Joe Biden had been elected President. This whole week had been very difficult. We are in the middle of the pandemic. So many people have died. Too many to count and name. Additionally, our whole world has been impacted by this disease.

We have also been going through this period of reckoning with racial injustice. As a woman of color, I live this every day. It has been quite fascinating that it seems so many have awakened to how systemic racism is and how it has played out across everyday life especially for people of color.

It still hurts my heart to think about how the country has reacted to Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd and so many others. I think of the microaggressions I go through as a woman of color like having people touch my hair, being told I speak educated for a black woman or I am cultured.

Let me be clear, I am happy that Joe won. I am happier that Kamala Harris is now Madam Vice President. I find it so jarring that close to half of the country voted for the current President. This is who we are as a country; a country that has to confront its past with racism to move forward.

I am hopeful about where we go from here. I know the road will be long but I am hopeful that we can talk about racism and have an open and honest dialogue that will help us heal and move forward. I think the other thing that gives me hope is the continued attention we will have to have in order to be the change we need to see in the world.

This is only the first step in like a million. Right now, the world needs joy. They need to do the Cupid shuffle. They need to do the electric slide. They need to show black appreciation for women like Stacy Abrams and others who helped to get out the vote. It has been long and coming.

So cheer on. Dance on. Love on. I hope you stay engaged in hope and continue to show up in action.

One love.




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